Guess what today is? It’s National Adopt a Shelter Pet Day and we are so excited to share a few adorable pets who need a forever home.
Thanks to my friend Wyn Furman, of San Diego Humane Society, Traci's Paws was able to spend some time with her colleague Beth Colton today, and visit some of the pets at the San Diego Humane Society who are ready to find their forever homes!
Butterscotch the bunny is available for adoption at the San Diego Humane Society.
According to the ASPCA, there are approximately 6.5 million companion animals who enter U.S. animal shelters nationwide every year. Sadly, approximately 1.5 million of these shelter animals are euthanized.
Thankfully National Adopt a Shelter Pet Day was created to bring awareness to all of these sweet pets that have ended up in a shelter, and hopefully find a new home that will love them for the rest of their lives. Today I met some great pets that their previous owners were no longer able to care for. You’ll have to excuse some of the photos, most of these sweeties were just so happy and wanting to play, and were very “waggy” making photo time a little challenging!
Out of the available pets in shelters, there are a few that might have a more difficult time finding new homes. Some of the reasons are that the pets are in bonded pairs, are seniors, have a disability, or chronic health issue.
Being a Bonded Pair means that they cannot be separated. This is just ensuring that each of the pets in this bonded pair are the happiest and mentally healthiest when it comes time to being in their new home. If you have a brother or sister and had to live with a new family, you would probably not be happy about this, and the best possible way the transition would be bearable is if you had your sibling with you, right? Well pets also make transitions easier when they have a little consistency, and having part of their pack with them helps make that transition bearable for them too.
Senior Pets often have a difficult time being adopted for several reasons. The obvious, is their age. Some people are not in it for the “long haul” and only want an adorable little puppy. Others are afraid to adopt a pet that they know will cross the Rainbow Bridge soon. I’m thankful that our spokes dogs are almost 11 years and a little over 18 years of age right now. I have loved every stage of their lives and cannot imagine giving them up because they are “too old”. Sadly, a reason many senior pets end up in the shelter.
Our spokesdogs, like many senior dogs need more medical care in their final years and it can be expensive. I just mentioned to a friend yesterday that we spent an average of $900 a month on vet care and prescription pet food last year. Being able to meet the needs of senior pets may not be feasible for some. (Always keep this in mind when adopting, if you can’t afford it, you should wait until you can. Consider fostering or volunteering at the shelter).
Disabilities and chronic health issues are also reasons some pets end up in shelters and take longer to find a new home. Some pets need constant round-the-clock care. A new pet parent may be one who works from home or plans to have a really great pet sitter to watch them during the day. Again, like most seniors, medical costs for some pets with chronic illnesses can add up so it is important if you are considering adopting a special needs pet, to keep that in account.
Today I met a few pets from each of the categories above that made me fall in love a LOT today! I mentioned a little earlier that the photos may be a little blurry but if you click on the photos, it will take you to the pet’s adoption link with more photos and details, and direct you to apply for adoption if you are ready.

The first two pups I met, Princess and Rocky are an example of a bonded pair, in the care of the San Diego Humane Society.
These two were both super sweet and little bubbles of energy- extreme Wiggle Butts!
Having a lot of energy isn’t bad, it just means that they need exercise like all pets. Once you take them on a long walk or short jog, they’ll be ready to chill out and cuddle right up to give you lots of loves.
Princess and Rocky were brought in by their previous owner 1 week ago, and are ready to go to a new home!
One of the senior pets at the San Diego Humane Society was Frank. He was such a cutie!
Although Frank is 7 years old, he still has a lot of energy and wanted to chase after his toy. Frank is another good candidate of “Wiggle Butt of the Day Award”! Frank may need to be the only dog in the house, but is ready to find that family who wanted to make him their one and only. He was brought in by his previous owner 2 months ago.
Lastly, I got to meet one of the kitties who happens to be special needs, Isabelle.
She is a very sweet gal who started out a little bit timid at first, but warmed up in no time!
Isabelle was brought in a month ago by her previous owner who could no longer care for her.

Adopting a pet? Want to make his or her transition into your home as smooth as possible?
Well if you decide to take your family to a shelter to adopt a new friend today, our friend Marty Petersen of Paws Up San Diego, has provided some great tips on how to plan for your new best friend.
Also, be sure to visit her site to grab some great toys, treats, and wellness items for your new cat or dog!
If you do decide to adopt a shelter pet today or this week, please send us your photos and we'll post them on our Instagram account!
Happy Adopt a Shelter Pet Day!