9th Annual
Unleash the Holiday Cheer
Sunday, December 1st, 2024
Event time 11am-2pm
VOLUNTEER TIMES (Based on your shift): 6am-6pm
Beautiful Winter Wonderland Festival at NTC Park "Field I" in Liberty Station!
2455 Cushing Rd. San Diego, CA 92106
Please see the different volunteer opportunities and requirements of each then sign up below!
Event Set up: Standing, Lifting and carrying medium to heavy items, may raise your arms above your head, a lot of bending motions for your knees and back. Wearing a back brace or belt is a great idea.
This starts at our storage unit in Hotel Circle. We need help transferring all of our event decor and boxes from the storage unit to our U-Haul truck, then helping unload the U-Haul truck at the event venue and taking the items to the appropriate areas of the event space. Everything is labeled! This will also be done in reverse at the end of the event, usually 4-6pm.
Decorating: 7am-10am: Sitting and Standing, Lifting, pulling, pushing, walking, carrying items, etc.
This is where we need a lot of help! We have a lot of decor that needs to be unboxed and set up. Example, our Christmas trees are all in boxes, need to be unboxed, fluffed out, placed where they go, and have a tree skirt placed around the bottom.
Welcome Booth: Sitting and Standing, Some Light Lifting
If you love people, are super bubbly, and maybe even a GREAT salesperson, this place is for you! You will be greeting all of our guests, checking them in, looking at their paper or electronic tickets, and checking them off of the guest list. You will also be accepting donations and money for any tickets ordered on the event day. You will give out Welcome Bags and s and direct people where to go. You will also encourage people "on the fence" about coming in by getting their ticket on Eventbrite or a paper ticket you'll have available.
Give wristbands to each member of the military or veteran family in attendance.
EXAMPLE: If there are two adults and three kids, one infant, and one teenager, all seven people will get a wristband and must wear it to the Military Appreciation Holiday Gift Shop. Parents will wear infant, toddler, and any wristband of a child who cannot wear one. Let these families know they must show this to the volunteers at the gift shop.
If you see people with pets dressed up, ask them if they already entered to Pet Costume Contest and check them off of the list if they have paid. If they have not paid, it is a $20 donation. Collect the funds, write their name on the list, and show them where the Pet Costume Contest area will be and what time they need to line up. You will have this information on event day at the Welcome Booth. The entry list with names and categories will need to be taken to the Contest Judges right before the contest.
Military Appreciation Holiday Gift Shop: 7am-3pm. Sitting and Standing, Light to Heavy Lifting, a lot of bending down on knees and back. There is MORE work involved during the set up of this booth, and we need a LOT of help here setting up between 7-10am. This will be easier on those who cannot lift, when we are just checking families in and out.
This year, we will have at least unwrapped 1,000 presents that each military or veteran individual or family in attendance will get to "shop" for. Everything is in boxes that we need to unpack, and either set onto the tables, or hung up, placed in bins, and organized to make it easy for families to "shop".
Each military/veteran or member of the family will be given a wristband at the Welcome Booth, and they will come in and "shop" for 1 item each.
We will need volunteers to help us set up this area by placing all of the clothes and other items on tables or hanging them on hangers BEFORE the event begins.
We will separate them by adults and children and keep them separated by gender to make finding them easier, but these families may take whatever item they want.
We need volunteers at two tables to help "check" the military/veterans out. We need to keep track of items that go out and who they go to. We will have forms for this. And again, to make sure they don't take more than one gift to ensure we have enough for everyone.
EXAMPLE: If there are two adults and three kids, one infant, and one teenager, all seven people will get a wristband and must wear it to the Military Appreciation Holiday Gift Shop. Parents will wear infant, toddler, and any wristband of a child who cannot wear one. Let these families know they must show this to the volunteer at the gift shop. MUST BE PRESENT TO GET A PRESENT!
At the end of the event, we have to neatly pack everything that is left over and break things down that go back to our storage unit.
Crowd Direction: 11am -2pm. Volunteers should help direct people in line to check in and direct the military and veteran families to the Military Appreciation Gift Shop, or to other areas of the event.
Santa: 11:30-2pm. Standing/Sitting
We will need help getting families and kids lined up and handing out the kids' presents.
You may also help our photographer Dave, keep young children and pets' attention to ensure a fabulous photo! Several families tell us they come every year to take pictures for their holiday cards. We also need help making sure the backdrop and decor look their best at all times and that there is no sun on the guests or Santa during their photo.
Pet Costume Contest: 11:30-1:30pm. Standing, Sitting.
If you see any families or pets dressed up, please ensure they've checked in at the Welcome Booth and ordered a ticket or paid for an entry.
We need to help get people lined up for their category behind the tent, walk them out to cross the red carpet, and to pass out winner's prizes, ribbons, and trophies.
Floaters: 11am-2pm. Standing, Sitting, Walking.
You will help relieve volunteers for bathroom breaks, a short break to walk around and enjoy the event, or help other bustling areas, ESPECIALLY at the Welcome Booth then at the Pet Costume Contest.
Event Tear Down: 2pm-6pm latest. Standing, Lifting and carrying medium to heavy items, may raise your arms above your head, a lot of bending motions for your knees and back. Wearing a back brace or belt is a great idea.
We need help transferring all of our event decor and boxes from the event to our U-Haul truck, then helping unload the U-Haul truck into our storage unit in Hotel Circle. We are usually finished between 5-6pm.