Emee the Chi's 12th QuaranTWEEN Birthday Slumber Party on ZOOM!
Puppies Make Me Happy Fundraiser!
We are so excited that in honor of Emee's birthday, we are having a 5 day FUNDraisesr to help our fundraising efforts that will also give back to YOU!
**Special gift for the largest order!**
Order using our link here:
Each time you shop with our special link, you get 10% off of your order, and we will get 10% of whatever you decide to buy yourself
or your friends, PLUS we are giving back to our friends at Puppies Make Me Happy, so it is a win-win-win!!!
We want to thank Niels and his team at Puppies Make Me Happy for helping us out, because we want to also go a step further.
At the end of the week he will be letting us know who placed the largest order and we want to give a little something extra to them as a thank you!
Shop using this link to get 10% off and to give back to Traci's Paws here: https://puppiesmakemehappy.com/?aff=160

Join us for Traci's Paws' first ever online Paws Party Fundraiser, with an online Pajama costume contest for you and your pet with prizes going to the best dressed pets and pet & parent duos, so get those PJ's ready!
Be ready to talk about your teen heart throbs and all the latest gossip about who pee’d where and who sniffed who!
We'll have some fun Traci's Paws trivia and an online scavenger hunt with prizes, so be sure to study up on our Facebook page, Instagram account, and Website for a head start on your competition!
Best part, is this is for anyone and everyone, girls AND boys, in ANY city, and ANY state - prizes that can be used here and there!
Prizes going to the following:
Best Dressed in PJ’s Duo Pet & Parent (or family) * Best Dressed in PJ’s Pet * Scavenger Hunt * Trivia
(If you want to enter the pajama contest, you must register at SavePets@TracisPaws.com no later than Wednesday, June 17th at 5pm)
To enjoy the party the best, please get acquainted with Zoom Communications beforehand. The party is only 40 minutes long. Once it is over, it is over! We will be using the chat to communicate answers for trivia and the scavenger hunt!
Click to watch Emee the Chi's Birthday Zoom Party!
Zoom Party Meeting ID: 993 5158 0091
Password: 7StLHd
This is a FREE event but remember, this is a charity event to raise funds for our cause. Please consider making an online contribution via Facebook, Venmo or PayPal. We do have to use our own funds for some of the prizes and shipping.
You may make your donations here: